Do kids need a Pediatric Chiropractor?

Let’s find out…

Most people acknowledge the value of chiropractic care for adults. But what about pediatric chiropractic? A healthy nervous system can help everyone. Before subjecting their children to risky drugs or hoping it’s “just a phase they’re going through”, wise parents consult with Dr. John in our practice.

One in every four children in the United States takes a prescription drug for a chronic condition. That means 25% of US kids rely on a dangerous pharmaceutical drug to treat a condition that may never fully resolve. The hope for future generations begins with recognizing the greatest doctor and pharmacy exists inside the body!

Parents sometimes question why a baby or child needs chiropractic care. The simple answer comes from drawing a connection between being proactive versus reactive. As a parent, you may be blessed with a child who has had exceptionally good health. Unlike other children, they may not have suffered from asthma, behavioral or digestive problems. Indeed, most children appear healthy and full of energy and that’s exactly how they should be, living each day with maximum potential.

Now, more than ever parents are searching for proactive lifestyle habits that will nurture their child’s health.

Why would a child need to visit a chiropractor?

kid chiropractor, kid getting adjusted by pediatric chiropractor

Here are the TOP 10 reasons parents take their children to a kid chiropractor:

  1. To maximize their child’s brain and nerve development

  2. To enhance their child’s overall health and well-being

  3. To strengthen immunity and reduce the incidence of colds, earaches, and general illness

  4. To help with colic and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  5. To help with asthma, breathing difficulties, and allergies

  6. To improve spinal posture

  7. To improve their child’s ability to concentrate

  8. To assist with behavioral disorders and offer greater emotional well-being

  9. To help alleviate bed-wetting and digestive problems

  10. To assist with sleep issues

How common are spinal problems in children who have no symptoms?

Just as a tooth cavity may have no symptoms, the same principle applies to vertebral subluxation. One study examined a group of apparently healthy children and found that:

  • 15.8% had cervical subluxations (neck problems)
  • 40% had pelvic subluxations

Your child may not be sick, but their spine may be developing with vertebral subluxations. Left unresolved, these subluxations can place stress on the communication system between the brain and the rest of the body. Chiropractors do not treat symptoms, instead, they remove vertebral subluxations thus optimizing each individual’s genetic capability. (Dr. Braham-Floreani, How to have well-adjusted babies, 2nd ed.) 

Subluxations are areas of your baby’s or child’s spine that interfere with or distort controlling nerve impulses between the brain and the body. Only a chiropractic examination can detect subluxations!

Chiropractic care for children is different from that for adults. Tailored to their age and weight, their adjustments often require no more pressure than you would use to test the ripeness of a tomato. Children’s innate intelligence enjoy chiropractic visits and they look forward to their visits.


How to find out if your child has spinal misalignment?

If you answer YES to one or more of these questions, it is recommended to schedule a spinal checkup with your pediatric chiropractor.

  • Does your child have irritable baby syndrome or colic?

  • Does your child have asthma or breathing difficulties?

  • Does your child have allergies?

  • Does your child have digestive problems?

  • Does your child have bed-wetting or sleeping issues?

  • Does your child have reoccurring ear infections and colds?

  • Is your child delayed in any milestone development?

  • Does your child have problems concentrating or focusing on tasks?

  • Has your child ever had a bad fall?

  • Does your child use handheld devices regularly? (phone, tablet, etc.)


How do You Choose a Kids Chiropractor?

baby chiropractic, infant chiropractor

Like any profession, chiropractors and the style in which they practice will vary. Some chiropractors are particularly gifted with children. Some have completed additional studies in pediatrics, or simply chosen to focus on a family-based practice.

Here in Denver at The View Chiropractic, we focus on family wellness care!

Dr. John has completed over 1500 hours of post-doctorate studies and is a member of the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association.

As a father of two young children, he has a special intuition of acknowledging each child as an individual, and that each child requires different and specific care.

Get your child’s spine checked. Use our online appointment booking here.


We believe that families who get adjusted together grow stronger and healthier together!


Dr. Barham-Floreani, How to Have Well Adjusted Babies, 2nd ed.
Pathway to Family Wellness


Is it safe for a child to go to a chiropractor?

Most definitely. Chiropractic adjustment for kids is tailored to their age and weight, their adjustments often require no more pressure than you would use to test the ripeness of a tomato. You definitely want to choose a chiropractor for your kids that has special training.

What age should a child see a chiropractor?

As young as a newborn baby! It is common for moms to bring their babies to get their spinal alignment checked soon after birth as birth trauma can occur during childbirth. Common examples are that a baby would need a spinal check if they experience colic, turning their head to one side mostly, and difficulty latching on one side.

Is it OK for a tween to go to a chiropractor?

Absolutely! Long hours of sitting in school, carrying heavy backpacks, falling and collisions during sports, and being hunched over their devices (that seems like all the time) are all reasons for a growing body to get checked by a chiropractor. It is a lot easier to guide the spine to grow as it is supposed to versus dealing with scoliosis and humped back later in the coming years.

Why would a child need to go to a chiropractor?

Just as a tooth cavity may have no symptoms, the same principle applies to vertebral misalginment. One study examined a group of apparently healthy children and found that 15% had neck problems and 40% had issues with their hip alignment.

Your child may not be sick, but their spine may be developing in the wrong way. Left unresolved, these vertebral issues can place stress on the communication system between the brain and the rest of your child’s  body.